Yellowstone, August 3, 2008, Waterfall hike (I already can't remember the name). This is how AK has looked almost all day (like "seriously Annette?", "chill out", "we don't have to go", "I just want to watch Olympic basketball" of course he never says these things, but you can see them in his darling, handsome face!)
7:36 AM Arrive at Draper Pool (we had two addresses, went to the furthest one first and picked the right one!
7:42 AM Set up to watch, wait, and play at H's first swim meet. See the Edgley's, Stacey P., the Cooks, and start eating, borrowing, and playing with the Gilbert professional sibling entertainment center tent/blanket/and chair area.
7:46 AM (est. time) Borrow "working" goggles from Gilberts.
7:52 AM Borrow sweatshirt from Gilberts.
7:57 AM Steve starts mumbling under his breath about the crazy family who has totally invaded their perfect setting at the swim meet.
8ish H & Joshua swim first event, 25m Free. The first group of boys doggy/breast the length of the pool. H does great and it was the first time seeing him dive (Emi has a great picture, will post later!).
8ish later H finds the Gilberts D-S and re-charges while totally tuning out.
8ish/9ish H swims in the 25m backstroke. Does awesome. Starts on the way left side, not used to not sharing the huge lane, and ping pongs the lane lines, does fantastic!
9:40 H swims in the 25m breast, and looks at the kid swimming just alongside him the last 1/2 of the swim. This is so cute, the kids watch each other while swimming, Ella and the girl swimming next to her did this too.
9:45 Head out for Banbury Cross (old fashioned for me & sleepy P, AK with a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and nuts, maple bar for H, & bright colored sprinkles for O).
10:50 Go directly to the Sports Complex ice rink to see babysitter CB compete in figure skating.
11:15 See CB in her beautiful and stunning outfit give a first place finish and beautiful skate.
11:40 Meet the B family, chat, and watch, and realize how none of us have showered, I have no make up on, and P is still in her pajamas. Lovely.
12:10 Talk to Kate on the way home from Sports Complex and plan to leave the house in 20 minutes to go hike Silver Lake with the families.
1ish Walk, throw rocks, scare "underground squirrels" (O of course), chipmunks, and ducks. Realize after the 15th time of a half of the face allergic reaction that P must be allergic to certain sunscreens (she's happy but looks blotchy and half of her face droops, scary!). Forgo the longer twin lakes hike to get P home.
3:30-5 Nap Time. Hey P & I were very tired and I slept awful last night with the wind and the psyching up of not getting up at 6:10 and working out and getting some much needed "beauty" sleep, and not getting it!
5 CB got sick and was unable to babysit for temple night. Unable to find replacement. Think of ways to duplicate O, instead of eating him up. Getting him to wear very cute jeans that don't drag on the ground (he's a little too used to me buying big to grow into, including pants, shoes, etc. Meantime, H still wears size 4 pajamas & size 5 clothes, and yes they are too small, oh well).
6 Go to dinner with the kids
7 Dad, H & O go fishing. Boys in heaven.
7 Bathe happy P. Read a fun book. Sing a song. Put P to bed.
7:15 Wash face, put on a mask, watch The Hills episode with Stephen Colletti (I hadn't seen him yet), rinse face, start blogging, and wondering why I am "watching" the Olympic marathon, oh my it is soooooo boring, are you kidding me?
9:17 Hear the boys come home! See ya!
wow. that's a busy day. You amaze me. i got up, went to a few garage sales and then ate cookies for about ten hours. Maybe I did some other stuff, I can't remember.
Congrats on your half!! That is so great!!! Are you excited for Ogden? I'm excited for you!! I'm not sure if I'm going to do it yet. How exciting that H is swimming!
What a fun filled day!
Wow. Non-stop fun. You are crazy! You should use the sunscreen we use for her face...Mia is real sensitive too. Blue Lizard. It is hard to find, but you can get in on drugstore.com.
You cram into a day what I could do in a week! I'll have what you're drinking!
Busy day, I should say. Call your Mom when things go wrong (like babysitter woes!)
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