Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The End of 2008 Summer Bear Lake Trip

Ready for Bear Lake Ward Church (love it, lasted 25 minutes with the P-ster, and then she and I walked home to a long summer's nappy nap!)

Breakfast time. Junk food cereal is notably bought and consumed for and at Bear Lake.

The famous 2008 view and tether ball and flood barrier which didn't look so ridiculous 10 years ago when the water actually went up to it.

Roasting the mallows with the Jaggis and Meikles and Gardners. Look at that AK posture on O.

Nappy nap sleepy time. She naps and sleeps like a champ at the cabin (just like her momma).


Anonymous said...
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Trevlyn said...

Fun. Who said your kids could get so big?!

Anonymous said...
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susanstayner said...

Looks like a great time to me. Glad you shared it with us.

O Ye That Embark in the service of God - Holden to Peru Trujillo South Mission 9/11/19

Holden has been called to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Peru Trujillo South mission.  He spe...