Picture from Amanda Jane's Blessing. Imagine all of these kids in two rows of pews, in the front of the chapel!
Picture of Holden's Kindergarten Science Fair Team (John, Holden, Kassidy, Ella, Pallavi)
Well, yesterday, at this point, since I am up for a 1 AM feeding that is lasting a bit longer than usual (my post feed rock and soothe to sleep nurse Andy is exhausted from painting the near finished basement) we ventured out to church as a family of 5 for the first time. The bonus was it wasn't our ward so we didn't know enough people so that they felt compelled or familiar enough to touch Penelope (we told the boys that at least). But now I know why new mother's don't take their babies to church for months, I'd forgotten. It's impossible and not that fun to hang out in the Mother's room, for even an hour! They need Tivo in there or something. And besides, Penelope is a very noisy eater which I am sure was traveling into the hallway right outside the sacrament meeting room. It was fun nonetheless to chat with JoJo, Laura, and Kate while we simultaneously nursed, well at least two at a time (due to the limited nursing chairs). The greatest thing was, although they were playing musical chairs and not quite reverent enough, the boys managed to stay in their seats, even surrounded by many of their cousins. I have some great pictures to post of Holden's science fair, of which we are so proud. We went to the park yesterday (Sunday) and it was really hot, so I asked him to "test" the play equipment to make sure it wasn't too hot, and when he opened the playground gate, he said "the gate is my base" or something to the effect that this was an experiment and the gate was his "control" thing to compare all of the other surfaces, but he used the right term (which I don't even know/can't recall) and I was very impressed. He has been in an after-school, once a week Science class this year, which has been great and he loves! Now even Owen wants to be a scientist when he grows up. Well, they both want to be Dad's and scientists. I am surprised and maybe a little relieved that Owen may no longer want to "be a Jedi when he grows up" since he "won't be able to be a Dad" for the Jedi code or whatever...funny boys!
1 comment:
What an incredible family photo on Amanda's blessing day. Marvelous! I am envious that you have so many family members close by. It's fun to read your blog and keep tabs on your wonderful siblings and their babes. "Hi" all. MarySue
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