2001/2 with H


2004 Argentina



10 Years ago today, at 9 am, in the sealing room of the Bountiful, Utah LDS Temple, my life changed dramatically for the better. I got to marry, for eternity, Andy Knight, yes, THE Andy Knight. I can't believe it's been that long, yet, we have lived so much in that time. I definitely scored in the great husband, spectacular father category. And as I always emphasize that I got really lucky and married well, especially to young girls eager to be married and/have kids since I married so young and somewhat naively at 21 and eek! a year before graduating from college (we continued together and graduated together). I love you Andy Pants. I love that we have always been perfect for one another, and that we will continue to be for 50+ more years in this lifetime and infinitely in the next. Happy Tin/Aluminum anniversary. Any last minute anniversary gift ideas?
Congrats you two! You're creating a beautiful legacy and I love you!!!
happy anniversary! You guys are a true match. I love you both and hope you have a great day! And ps--are you working on your blog?
Congrats you two. What an accomplishment. It couldn't have happened to two nicer people. I truly love you both.
Way to go you two!!! Ed and I just celebrated our 34th and to let you in on a little secret it only gets better. I've fallen in love with Uncle Ed all over again. Thankful for a temple marriage. Keep up the great work one day at a time. Love and Hug, Jody
I remember being so happy and thankful on your wedding day. You two a wonderful. I love you and look forward to eternity.
Congrats you two! Hope you have many more great years to come. You are both special people. Paul and I share our 11th on Thursday. So we have the same Anniversary Week. Hope your day has been special for you.
Well noboday knows who purplegirl is so I forgot to tell you that is cousin Mandy in Oregon in my last posting okay. I have a blog also but I dont even no how to tell my blog address. Yes I am a greeny at this. But I am trying to learn with much help from Trevlyn. Happy Anniversary again. Love ya guys.
Congratulations! You have an awesome fam.
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