I love the blogs with the Grateful Sundays, two to name, flowerchain and La Vie En Rose. But not to poach too many things from others, I would like to present my own version highlighting my goals for the week. I got this idea from my ultra-fabulous and creative sister-in-law Trev (who's blog gets cuter and more fun everyday, I sort of wish she would stop so my boring old blog doesn't look so incredibly drab and obviously html-clueless). So as you will see she blogged about keeping the Sabbath day holy by getting the cleaning and ironing and pre-cooking done on Saturday, thus, "Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday..." So ironing...yuck, and the reason why, now that I can't justify buying nice suits for work and shirts that are all dry-cleaned, and this ironed by someone else, I buy cotton. I am sure everything I own and wear daily and to church, with a few exceptions of my trademark black sweaters which are merino wool and some nylony blends, is cotton. Which to most of you must be ironed. But not me, I am of the party that believes, oh I will iron it and get in the car (well we actually walk to church, being in SLC) and it will get wrinkled again, etc. But my goal this week is to iron my boys' shirts. Not Andy's, since his shirts are dry-cleaned and thus, ironed and fresh already, right, but H & O who only when they have worn their shirts brand-new have ever felt the heat from a freshly ironed shirt. Starting small, that is it, just two ironed shirts. I will return and report on the next Sabbath day.
I remember many a Sabbath, getting just settled onto the pew, glancing at the boys wearing their Target polo shirts and promising myself I'd actually iron their Sunday shirts for next week. Those polo shirts are my weakness! You're awesome!!!! And your kids always look so snappy!
Glad you're home safe and sound from your California trip. Can hardly wait for pictures of your fun adventures. Love ya.
P.S. Isn't "return and report" an awesome concept!!!! I do so much better when under those guidelines..even if self-imposed.
I just followed your lead to "La Vie En Rose"....wow!!! I have been so impressed; made me cry. Who is this lovely gal? I recommend all read her blog. Let me know what you think.
She's Leslie's friend, Leslie was Rachel's BYU room-mate all through college. I love both their blogs and musingsandmisadventures a lot. Musings is Rachel's other room-mate's sister.
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