Sunday, June 29, 2008

Grateful Sabbath

1. Getting to go to Sunday School for the first time in 6 months. Okay it's more like choosing a certified Sunday School class over our usual "hall class" with the little pre-nursery ones.
2. Re-charging the spiritual batteries and all that is good .
3. Tollhouse Pie and Rice Pudding (I made it tonight with some leftover rice tonight!)
4. Not being too excited about getting another year older (30 was tough enough for me!). But love anything to celebrate.
5. Rachel's Work Out mix and hoping she makes me a mix CD.
6. JR's pictures of my kiddos, and getting to swim in the Creer's pool.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

Such cute photos. HAPPY LATE BDAY!!! I just tried calling you but your phone was off. Lame!

O Ye That Embark in the service of God - Holden to Peru Trujillo South Mission 9/11/19

Holden has been called to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Peru Trujillo South mission.  He spe...