Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Too Hot! Take Me back to the Beach!

AK on the Green River trip this weekend. He went with Nate Wixom & they hit a deer on the way up which was literally scared the 'poop'out of, as it (the poop) was stuck to the front hood for a few days. We are sad for the deer, not so much for the taur-cedes.

My boys at Little Corona this June. I miss the beach. It is so hot. We go from pool to pool everyday, hitting up to three different ones! Holden is swimming like a champ from K Webb's instruction and Owen is excitedly and finally taking lessons (it took him 2 weeks of watching and having Caroline J,his friend whom he blushes the most for, take lessons with him. He is quite the show off as we can see from his soccer class too. By the way - big step - I finally cleaned out my junk. Okay there is a lot of way to go, but it isn't quite the mad condemned house it was becoming. Now for the car and closets...I will work on.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I just want you to know that I have tried to leave a comment, but my computer is dumb. I was so happy to see updated entries.

So You Think You Can Dance is on Wednesday and Thursday night. Go Benji!!

O Ye That Embark in the service of God - Holden to Peru Trujillo South Mission 9/11/19

Holden has been called to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Peru Trujillo South mission.  He spe...